Recipe Box Search

Happy December!

I'm on the look for a functional, but very cute recipe box that Stephen and I can use once we get married.  My grandmother is an amazing cook, and Stephen and I both absolutely love everything she makes.  For our wedding gifts, we have requested [only because it is appropriate] her recipes and a quilt.  My grandmother makes several quilts a year, and we would love to incorporate part of her into our home.  Anyways, back on the subject, I have been looking around at some great ways for us to hold all of these treasured recipes.  My mom suggested giving my grandmother note cards that she can write the recipe on and then I can later file them as I would like, or type them.  I'm not sure what method I prefer, a recipe box or a typed binder.  For now I have found several recipe boxes that I really like, but I'm just not exactly sure what I want...

How do you store your recipes?  Do you have any suggestions for finding a nice, but attractive recipe box?

All images are from Google.