Winter Break

Beware this post has many pictures all taken during my wonderful winter break. I am now officially back in school but I am wishing I could still be doing all the things done in these pictures. So here you go...

Girls night in, bonfire and fireworks
While enjoying fireworks
We all shot some off as well
Chit Chat
And my chair fell over
Now eWm smiles
We had quite a few snacks as well
More gingerbread party pics
I'd say I have some pretty cute friends
dWa, mSj, iHs
I love my mSj
And her sis fSt
And their other sis bSh (but this is from summer shh!)

Well that is all for now, lucky you, but I am sure other pictures will be loaded from other winter break events and y'all will have the pleasure(ha) of seeing more, but for now...

After a while crocodile,