
So today my blog post really can't count as a blogpost because it is really me just venting and freaking out! Tonight in most of my classes I have double homework. Why? Good question, I don't know and honestly I don't like it. I have yet to complete a full assignment and instead am jumping around because a lot of it I don't understand. This week I have so many assignments, tests, quizzes, and due dates that I don't know where to begin and am very stressed. With all of that said it is even worse since I do not get home until around 6:00 when I shower and eat dinner so homework doesn't usually start until 7:10. I am going to have to get back in this routine and get used to staying up later to make sure I get everything done and don't get too distracted. Does anyone else have a crazy hectic week too and if so how do you manage it. My way will be to drink a lot of coffee! Let's hope it works!