So I told myself yesterday that today was going to be a great day - all my assignments are completed and ready to be turned in, I was wearing a new shirt, and I totally felt like I had this week in the bag! Well, this morning I woke up and was getting ready to head out the door and a friend texted me and said we had no class...PERFECT! Then I was about to leave, I had this weird feeling about one of the papers that I had to turn in today...come to find out a did a 11 page paper slight wrong and it was due in 2 hours. I had a freak out moment - tears, felt like I was going to be sick, and I was in shear panic. This was a paper that I wrote this weekend that took me FOR-EV-ER!
Needless to say, I ended up revamping it a tad so that the focus was correct and turned it in on time, but now I'm worried about it. ugh. Let's just say that I want to go to bed and get back up again to have a better day!
So here is to a better day today!
P.s. I'm wearing my new chambray shirt from Old Navy and I think it is already my favorite shirt!
Oh, and my Erin Condren planner should be delivered any day now!