I've seen a lot of bloggers share their Christmas list, and mine is ever changing so I don't want to share it with you so early. I do, however, want to show you some pieces from Swell Caroline that I know are a permanent stay on my Christmas list! I've seen a lot of Swell Caroline going around the blog world, but I was a fan just before I started seeing it on everyone's blog. They have a great selection, and I'm so excited to have lots of Swell Caroline goodies on my list this year! In no particular order, let me introduce you to part of my list...
Bangles: I cannot decide on which bangle so I may be adding both!

I also love the horse bit bracelets, but they are not hinged so probably would not fit my super tiny wrists. If anyone knows if they are adjustable please let me know!!

Scout Bag: I'll be using this to hold little things I will need for student teaching...I'm thinking headache medicine, extra bobbi pins and hairbows, and such!

I'm so excited about my Christmas list this year! I'm planning to add a bigger Scout tote to be my "school bag" for student teaching next semester!
For those of you who have a Scout bag what type of material is it? I read on a review that is similar to a reusable tote that you can wipe clean easily...is this accurate?
What is on your Christmas list this year?