Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful time with friends and family. I'm thankful for so much that it would seem impossible to list them all. Don't forget the importance of today; to give and be thankful. It is so easy to get caught up in the kitchen getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner, but we need to remember what we are thankful for, not just today, but everyday! I'm really excited about Thanksgiving this year, because Stephen and I get to be together. Last year we did separate Thanksgivings, our families ate at the same time. This year my family invited his family over. Stephen lost two grandparents earlier this year so we decided it would be perfect to have them all over!
I want to leave you with a few pins this week that help us remember what Thanksgiving is all about!
I want to leave you with a few pins this week that help us remember what Thanksgiving is all about!

All images are from Pinterest.