Perfect Pippa

The other night I watched TLC's Crazy About Pippa segment.  I'm sure there will be re-runs if you missed it.  Before April 29, 2011 I had no idea that Pippa (Philippa Charlotte Middleton) existed.  Boy did she turn heads in her stunning, ivory dress at the Royal wedding.

Ever since her "debut," I have kept up with photographs that have been released of her, some good others not so good.  But if you think Kate has style, you should see her sister.  They must give each other fashion advice, because they both have a crisp, refreshing, classic style.  In college, Pippa received the nickname, Perfect Pippa because of her style, intelligence, and personality.

I really enjoyed TLC's showcasing of Pippa, and learning all about her from the very beginning.  Who knew that she was named Number 1 Society Singleton in 2008. Also, Pippa is known for her great body, and boy am I jealous!

Photo taken in 2008 after she was announced #1 Society Singleton.

Apparently this is the way to a Pippa body.  During the show there was a lot of talk about her body image, and how she looks so good.  Friends and family on the show let viewers know that Pippa loves Pilates and triathlons.  I guess I should start

What do you think of Pippa Middleton?